Saturday, February 29, 2020

Rabugenta: Cranky

My mother called me out on one of my behaviors, and frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long for her to name it in Portuguese.

Cranky, grouchy. As in: Oscar the Rabugento. 

She's been sick lately, and by rights, should have been the one to be grouchy and in a foul mood. And frankly, I haven't been any worse than usual, but sometimes the subconscious comes up with great descriptors for the world around us.

And oddly enough, it made the both of us laugh. Enough to get us both feeling good and to kick us out of any kind of cranky mood. 

So next time you are cranky, you can cheer yourself up by thinking of all the ways you can describe yourself. And how you can surprise yourself and others by how you can laugh at your new nicknames!