Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bolo de Tijolo/Flat Bread from Pico

I wanted to recreate an incredible taste sensation I found in Faial. It was called "Bolo de Pico", but it seems to go by a bunch of different names.

I got the recipe from my Mom's friend, Dona Manuela, who loves to pride herself on knowing everything. But her recipe left out the sweet potatoes!!!

I did some Googling and found this: (you can use Google Translate, but it won't convert the kilograms for you!)

This is what they looked like going in:

They got a little more brown & crisp coming out.

Finally I think we used : 
3 cups boiling, salted water (keep 4 on hand bc you want to get the mixture as wet as you need)
4 cups of (white) corn flour
1 cup of white flour
2 sweet potatoes
butter for your hands and to create non-sticky surfaces when rolling the dough
cornmeal for bottom & top

Boil the water, add it to the flours (which you should mix together)
Get it to a good consistency for dough, mash & add the potatoes. 

Roll out onto a board, or if you want less mess, pull out the dough in balls, and make shapes like massa souvada. 

I liked having course corn meal on top & bottom, my mom said she wishes we had made some with ANISE seeds on top (not my favorite!)

Put it into a 400 oven for 45 min or 1 hour, depending how well-cooked you like.
(I was afraid they'd be too dry)

They ended up crunchy (tough?) on the outside & nice and moist on the inside.
The ones I've had have been soft on the outside as well.  Maybe done in a slower, cooler oven?


Conversions were a little difficult, but this page helped:

Monday, November 23, 2015

Bolo de Tijolo

Portuguese American Mom Recipe


Portuguese dictated recipe:

Aqua de fevir 3.5 cup
Teaspoon de sal
Chave na meia of cornflour 2.33
Chave na terce de farina branca 2.33

Add boiling water stir vigorously til smooth
Cool, stir occasionally
Add reg flour
Knead for 5 min

Make round roll
Roll on board with cornflour
Half inch
450 oven

Bake for one hour until golden brown

Monday, November 16, 2015

Death of Monsenhor Júlio da Rosa, age 92, My Grandfather's Cousin

Faleceu Monsenhor Júlio da Rosa, na noite de sexta feira dia 13 aos 92 anos de idade.
Nasceu a 24 de Maio de 1924 nos Flamengos, concelho da Horta.
Cedo descobriu a sua vocação para o sacerdócio e a sua sede de conhecimento e espírito de partilha que o levaram a formar gerações como pároco das Angústias, professor do Liceu da Horta, colaborador e fundador de alguns periódicos, educador e homem de cultura.
Autor de treze títulos publicados, recolheu e organizou o Museu de Arte Sacra e Etnografia Religiosa, e foi Sócio Fundador do Núcleo Cultural da Horta e seu Presidente durante vinte anos. Era membro do Conselho Internacional dos Monumentos e Sítios, do Instituto de Estudos Genealógicos do Uruguai e foi orador em diversas Conferências e Congressos em Portugal e no Estrangeiro, entre os quais se destacam a da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina no Brasil e a da Brown University, nos Estados Unidos.
Tinha uma vasta obra no campo social, tendo fundado a Casa dos Rapazes, a Conferência Vicentina – Secção Feminina, a Cozinha Paroquial e a Escola Paroquial.
Comendador da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique da República Portuguesa e homenageado com as Insígnias Autonómicas no dia da Região em 2013
Paz à sua alma.

(And Automatically translated from FB)
Passed Away Monsignor Julius the rose, on the evening of Friday morning 13 to 92 years of age.
Was born on 24 may 1924 in the flemish, county of horta.
Soon discovered his vocation to the priesthood and his thirst for knowledge and spirit of sharing that led him to form generations as vicar of woes, professor of high school of horta, collaborator and founder of some periodicals, educator and man of culture.
Author of thirteen titles published, collected and organized the museum of sacred art and ethnography religious, and it was a founder member of the cultural core of horta and its president for twenty years. He was a member of the International Council of monuments and sites, the institute of genealogical studies of Uruguay and he was a speaker in several conferences and conferences in Portugal and abroad, among which are the the federal university of Santa Catarina in Brazil and the brown university , in the United States.
Had a wide work in the social field, and founded the house of the boys, the conference vicentina - women's section, the kitchen and the parish parochial school.
Commander of the order of the infante d. Henry of the Portuguese Republic and honored with the autonomy insignia on the day of the region in 2013
Peace to your soul.