Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Portuguese School: Longe da Patria distante/Far Away From The DistantHomeland

(About Portuguese School for the kids)

Longe da Patria distante
Esta Escola Portuguesa
Sera um elo de amor
Num abraco de beleza

Far away from the distant homeland
This Portuguese school
Will be a love link (ring)
In a beautiful hug

Linda lingua Portuguesa
Que me ensinaram a amar
Singra sempre confiante
Nao a deixeis maltratar

Beautiful Portuguese language
That I was taught to love
Keep going, always confident
Don't let it be maltreated/mistreated

Na turbulencia dos costumes
desta terra hospitaleira
Nao a deixem naufragar
Para nos, sempre a primeira

In the turbulence of the behavior
Of this hospitable land
Don't let it be castaway
For us, it will always be number one (first)

Cabe a Escola Portuguesa 
Faze-la reconhecer
Com alegria, fe e amor
Vamos aprender a ler.

It's the responsibility of the Portuguese School
To make it (the language) known
With happiness, faith and love
Let us learn how to read.

(Found in Notebook #6, Vovo's Book, circa 1984)

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